Turner Construction wanted a robust, OSHA compliant guardrail system to protect workers and trade partners from falls from heights. They were looking for a simple, robust, construction-grade system™ that was easy to install, stack, store, ship and reuse on future projects. Deploying a reusable guardrail system vs. standard wasteful 2×4’s guardrails saves time, money & project schedule. Turner Construction will be able to reuse on future construction projects. Most importantly, the Hilmerson Safety Rail System™ supports Turner Construction’s sustainability mission.
This 41,000 sf mass timber building will serve as a student dining and retail center.

“We chose Hilmerson because of their top-notch quality and customer service. This rail system is better and more efficient than any other wasteful 2×4 built system.”
-Nick Iacoviello, Sr. Superintendent
General Contractor: Turner Construction
Project Location: University of Houston
Date Range of Project: August 2022 – November 2023
Products Deployed: HLM-KIT Hilmerson Safety Rail System™ Anchored Base Kit, HLMBPHPSG Non-Penetrating weighted base storage pallet, HLM-GRBPHXG Non-penetrating weighted base plates and adjustable guardrail gate. Saved 600 lf of wasteful 2×4’s.